What our Customers say...

Building Services Testimonials

Most professional people I've ever worked with, extremely satisfied.

I just want to let you know that Jaime took such care with my sister's property. She was professional and did a great job and I had to call in so you can let your owners know.  We thank Jaime for a job well done!

SERVPRO staff has provided us with prompt service, high quality finished work, and are courteous. Based on our experience, any home or business should be very pleased that they have selected SERVPRO to do business with.

Thank you for sending Eric out to my rental home. The renters left the carpet a mess, so many stains and odor of animal urine. Eric did an outstanding job. I am so very pleased. The carpets look 100% better. Thank you Eric so very much, a true professional.

I must say how amazed I was at how efficient and quickly SERVPRO of North Shasta responded to my emergency. The complete staff from the office to your field technicians was very helpful, knowledgeable and friendly.

Mike was great, took the time to take care of spots that I was concerned about. He did a great job!

The customer service we have received all along the way has been wonderful and we will definitely be letting our insurance company know how terrific the services from SERVPRO North Shasta, Trinity and Greater Tehama Counties have been.